Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Lundin Tower - Fife

Lundin Tower
Lundin Tower

Site of a much-altered 16th century tower house, which had been incorporated into Lundin House. All of the house, except an altered stair-turret from the 16th or 17th century, was demolished in 1876.

There was a castle here in the 14th century, belonging to the Lundin family, who held the property from the 12th century. It passed by marriage to the Drummonds in 1670, who were forfeited after the 1745 Jacobite Rising. Mary, Queen of Scots, is said to have stayed at the tower in 1565.

Wording taken from The Castles of Scotland Third Edition by Martin Coventry

Added: 18 Apr 2010 Updated: 09 Apr 2019
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