Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Mains Castle (East Kilbride) Past & Present

Mains Castle East Kilbride

Mains Castle - East Kilbride

Mains Castle before restoration

Mains Castle before restoration

Mains Castle, stands near the town of East Kilbride in Lanarkshire and dates from the late 15th century. The masonry is of good quality ashlar and rises 3 storeys to a corbelled parapet. It contains a vaulted prison.

The castle fell into ruin in the 18th century but was restored in the 19th only to be abandoned and left roofless. And so it stood with the door bricked up and the vault open to the sky until 1976 when it was purchased and restored winning 2 Saltire awards. There are solid oak doors, open stone fires and flagstone floors to make Mains a fine family home.

In 2002 Mains was sold once more. Over time, however, the town of East Kilbride has crept closer and what once was open countryside is now built up.

Added: 14 Sep 2012 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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