Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Castle Grant and Ackergill Tower News

Two Highland Castles have been in the news recently.

Castle Grant

UPDATE: The SCA reported that Castle Grant had been purchased after only 10 days on the market in the article below. We now hear that it is for sale once more.

NEWS Castle Grant

Recent image of Castle Grant, which was last owned by Ex-Glasgow Rangers owner Craig Whyte

Castle Grant in Moray, with an asking price of £1.1 million, has been snapped up after only 12 days on the market!

An L-plan tower of the 16th century it was radically altered in the 18th and only a wing and parapet of the old castle remain visible.

Castle Grant when semi-runious

Castle Grant when in semi-runious state

The castle has had a checkered history and at one time had fallen into a semi-ruinous state.

Ackergill Tower

NEWS Ackergill Tower

Ackergill Tower

The same day it was announced that Ackergill Tower in Caithness has re-opened after an £1million refurbishment following a fire. Ackergill is the only 5 star hotel in Caithness and noted for its celebratory visitors.

It is a massive 15th century tower house of 5 stories with 10 feet thick walls. It had a 'make over' in the 19th century which was not to its advantage but it still manages to convey an air of strength and beauty.

Added: 16 May 2014 Updated: 05 Dec 2014
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