Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Balmangan Tower (Kirkcudbright) - Past and Present

Set in rural Kirkcudbright, Balmangan is a simple, ruinous 16th century tower house. It survives to first floor level though a century ago it stood higher.

Balmangan past

Balmangan in 1900 with upper floor standing

A doorway leads to a vaulted basement; the upper levels accessed by a wheel staircase. The walls are of typical Galloway whinstone and would have been harled as was universal practice. There is a single horizontal dumb-bell gun loop.

Balmangan present

Balmangan in 2015 - now down to first floor level

Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle

Added: 10 Mar 2015 Updated: 11 Mar 2015
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