Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Blairquhan Castle (Ayr) - Past and Present

This Tudor Gothic mansion of 1820 hides a secret ...

Blairquhan past

Top: Blairquhan is a William Burn design of 1820-24, pictured circa 1900
Bottom: Blairquhan in 2015 during SCA visit

In 1798 Sir James Hunter had purchased the estate with its castle as bankrupt stock. He appeared content until his marriage - his wife wanted something new!

Blairquhan palace

Blairquhan Palace in 1798 before demolition

Hunter had bought a handsome 'palace' dating from 1573 containing the remains of a 14th century castle - but all was to be pulled down. Fortunately,  some of the carved detail from the older building was built into the kitchen range of the new.

Blairquhan guitar

Fragments from old castle - arms of James VI of Scotland above door

Blairquhan guitar player

Guitar player with ruff and Venetian 'breeks' surmounted by cable moulding

Today Blairquhan, with its views across the estate, is a popular venue for weddings.

Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle

Added: 23 Jul 2015 Updated: 23 Jul 2015
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