Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Carsluith Tower (Kirkcudbright) Past & Present

P&P Carsluith Castle past

Carsluith Castle old photo

P&P Carsluith Castle present

Carsluith Castle presently

This delightful little L-plan 16th century tower house is situated overlooking Luce Bay. It is within sight of Barholm Tower high on the hill behind.

Surrounded by farm buildings it has survived fairly intact and now is under the care of Historic Scotland.

It rises from a vaulted, gun looped basement through hall and bedchambers to a corbelled parapet and a caphouse in the wing. An unusual feature is that there once was a timber gallery overlooking the entrance.

Added: 27 Nov 2013 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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