Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Dundonald Castle (Ayrshire) - Past & Present

Then and now - Dundonald Castle

Then and now - Dundonald Castle

Dundonald Castle, Ayrshire much tidied up by the Office of Works from its appearance at the end of the 19th century.

Excavations in the 1960s revealed that the great 14th century tower house stands upon the slighted remains of a large, twin towered gatehouse of the 13th century. The fragmentary remains of a similar gatehouse at the far end of the enclosure suggests that the plan of the early castle closely resembled that of Rhuddlan Castle in Wales.

Traces of an earler motte were discovered as well occupation going back as far as the Iron Age.

Added: 22 Dec 2011 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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