Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Gargunnock House (Stirling) - Past and Present

Gargunnock appears a typical 18th century mansion... but look closer.

Ignore the elegant façade and walk around to the rear and you will find a 16th century L-plan tower house with 17th century extensions.

gargunnock 1904

Gargunnock in 1904 showing both building periods

In the 18th century Sir James Campbell removed the barmkin and gate of the old buildings and added a handsome frontage in the best classical manner.

gargunnock present

Gargunnock as it appear today
TOP: The façade of 1794
BOTTOM: The 16th - 17th century ranges visible at the rear

Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle

Added: 02 Apr 2015 Updated: 23 Jul 2015
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