Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Gilbertfield Tower (Lanark) - Past & Present

Gibertfield Tower (Lanark)

Gibertfield Tower (Lanark)

On the north side of Dechmont Hill, near Cambuslang, stands the house of Gilbertfield, with a panel dating it 1607.

It was a well planned L-plan tower house with a fine scale and platt staircase. The basement was vaulted with a large fireplace and oven. At the rooftop level there were 2 round turrets projected on continuous corbelling.

Already semi roofless in the 1930s its blow came in the 1950s when an entire wing wall collapsed. In the 1970s the turret tumbled and soon the rest will follow - just look at that crack running between the windows.

This is a building where Historic Scotland favours restoration - is there someone out there?

Added: 09 Feb 2012 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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