Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Horsburgh Castle (Peebles) - Past and Present

Horsburgh is situated on a hilltop near to the county town of Peebles. The site is a strong one. Although, at first sight, it appears easy to approach, the terrain drops abruptly towards the River Tweed.

Horsburgh past

Horsburgh Castle - 1900

It is a typical L-plan, whinstone tower house like so many of its neighbours and it owes its survival to consolidation in the late 19th century. MacGibbon & Ross, well versed in castle matters, regarded this work as injudicious and one must agree with the work having more in common with an engine house than that of a castle.

Horsburgh present

Horsburgh Castle - 2015

Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle

Added: 10 Mar 2015 Updated: 11 Mar 2015
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