Kirkhill Castle stands in the gardens of a house at Colmonell in Ayrshire. It is a typical small fortalice of the 16th century. It has ground floor cellars with a staircase in the wing leading to a hall on the first floor and continuing by a corbelled out projection to the upper floor. It has the usual corbelled turrets and corbie stepped gables which form such a delightful feature in these buildings.
Kirkhill Castle - past
It is liberally supplied with small gun holes and the windows retain their original iron yetts so often scrapped for salvage. On a lintel is inscribed TK 1589 IK for Thomas Kennedy and his wife Janet.
Kirkhill Castle - present
The interior is ruinous and the fabric appears to be in good condition but an examination of the two photographs taken 100 years apart will show that the angle turrets are much reduced.
Kirkhill would make an excellent subject for restoration.
Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle
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