Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Mar's Work (Stirling) Past & Present

Mars Work - Stirling

Mar's Work in Stirling showing blocked windows and doors

Mar's Work Stirling in the present day

Present day after consolidation by Historic Scotland

This beautiful and accomplished 16th century lodging is situated in the town of Stirling. Built by the Regent Mar it is closely modeled on the palace of James V in the Castle. Unfortunately Mar’s early death precluded its completion and much damaged during the siege of the castle in 1746 it ended its life as the town poor house.

The octagonal towers, originally furnished with pyramidal roofs, carry the arms of Mar and his wife whilst those of the king are in place of honour above the entrance.

The ground floor was occupied by shopping booths, from which the earl would obtain rent. Gun ports pointing down the street prove that defense was not neglected. Now under the care of Historic Scotland, Mar’s Work is in excellent order.

Added: 17 May 2013 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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