Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Sorbie Tower (Wigtown) - Past & Present

Sorbie Tower (Wigtown)

Sorbie Tower (Wigtown)

A handsome, well built L-plan tower of the late 16th century situated between Wigtown and Whithorn in the Machars. Larger than one might expect for this region it boasts the refinement of a scale-and-platt staircase to the first floor.

Abandoned in the late 18th century it was robbed for its ashlar and was in a very dangerous state when gifted to Clan Hannay in 1965 on the understanding that it be held in trust for all.

The Clan's intention was to restore but the realities of cost have, to date, defeated this outcome. The building has been consolidated but with some unfortunate results (witness, for instance, the overlarge ground floor window). A lottery grant of £77,400 was awarded in 2001 but not much seems to have happened since then.

Historic Scotland favour restoration.

Added: 16 Mar 2012 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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